My Free Write; How To Throw The Perfect Spiral

HI! Today in my free write I want to teach you how to throw the perfect football spiral. It takes a lot of work, but there are a few key things you can practice to get the right spiral. First off, try adjusting your grip where your thumb and index finger or middle finger on the ball (depending on your hand size and the football). Speaking of which, you also want to make sure you have the right size football. For most of you it’s probably Junior or Youth. Junior is from 9 and up and is what most 7th to 8th graders play with. You also have to make sure to throw not too strong, but also not so loose or soft.


















Hope this helped, and make sure to comment if you have any more tips or if I something wrong. Thanks!


Dear Future People, COVID-19?

Honestly, at the beginning of the pandemic, things were very stressful. It felt like no one could do anything or go anywhere. Not even with a mask on. We all had to do school at home, and everyone got really bored really quick. Now though, we have a lot more freedom and things can be easier. Traveling is still really hard, but it is possible. The main thing that’s really hard is just school. Some of your friends are online and some aren’t. There are some people who don’t really believe what’s going on, and some people who do and take it very seriously. You have to make sure to stay really safe and have good hygiene. You definitely don’t get to see far away family as much. All the prices have gone up on everything it feels like. Some of your favorite businesses are gone or forced to move online.

5 Face Mask Facts for Kids - Carithers Pediatric Group

It feels like it’s been going on for forever, so sometimes you just forget about it. Then there are some things you just made into a habit like putting on a mask when you leave the house, or hand sanitizing after leaving one. It can be hard, but I hope it will end soon and that we can just forget about some of the things, but maybe keep some of the good ones that will help no matter what.

My 2nd Free Write!

Hi all! This is my second free write that I have done. I actually have something to write about though. This week I won my team Freyr raffle and now at lunch I get a FULL pizza from my teacher!






I’m also sitting next to my friend who is currently searching up toilets. Don’t worry though, it’s just for her blog post on wanting a golden toilet before she reaches twenty years old. Currently the most expensive one she can find is $19 million, but the website was blocked. It was the one on the space station rocket.





Well, I don’t want to end on the note of toilets…so…I also get to go out and get ice cream today after school! My mom’s friend is getting a truck and we were invited to come and get ice cream later! I can’t wait!


My Free Write

Hi. This is my free write. I’m in journalism right now, and it is a Monday. I’m pretty sure everyone hates Monday, but I’m not sure.

I’m starving. I hate “C” lunch, but I also really like journalism. If I could I would make it so that every individual grade had their own lunch. I mean I don’t think 7th graders or 8th graders like being surrounded by each other. I would also make it so that lunch is longer and that we could have a big playing court with more balls. I also wish school during lunch would have real restaurants, just like high school!